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The package TORVIS WOOD CUTTER SLAVE includes camisk, resizer belt, resizer bag with wood logs.

All prims have resizer script to fit the clothes to your avatar weight
Use this script is very simple; you only have to click over one prim, and select RESIZER on the blue menu and use the different buttons to select the percentage you want to enlarge or reduce the garment.
press MIN SIZE to decrease the maximum.
press MAX SIZE to increase the maximum.
RESTORE began to return to production size.

*[TGW] Log Wood Melee (GM/GML) (RightHand)

is a GM, and GLM compatible melee weapon. To use dress the item (MUST BE ATTACHED IN RIGHT HAND). By default, the Log Wood will appear hidden.
To get ready to hit with the bread type in the chat window: / 1 draw wood
or press the F3 key on your keyboard (must be activated before the gesture "[TGW] Log Wood Draw (F3)" included inside the pack. This gesture can be used also for the version "throw Log Wood"

To save the Log Wood (sheath) press F4 ( you have to activate before the gesture "[TGW] Log Wood Sheath (F4)" ) or write again in the chat window: / 1 sheath wood

*[TGW] Log Wood Throw (GM/GML/DCS/CSS) (RightHand)

is a GM, GLM, DCS and CSS compatible throwing weapon.  To use dress the item (MUST BE ATTACHED IN RIGHT HAND).  By default, the Log Wood will appear hidden.
To get ready to hit with the bread type in the chat window: / 1 draw wood or press the F3 key on your keyboard (must be activated before the gesture "[TGW] Log Wood Draw (F3)" included inside the pack.

Both weapons have damage type SLAVE.

You can touch the object to enter the options menu and switch between Short-Medium-Long mode, change the angle or activate the Autofire among other options.

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